Featured Learning Area | Humanities – Business |
Additional Learning Areas | Economics, Finance |
Learning Capabilities Developed | Critical/Creative Thinking/Enterprise |
Once students start working, they will have money to spend and save – but there is another option which many teens do not often think about: investing!
In this subject, students will learn about a range of investment options for now and the future, which will provide them with a really practical and useful set of financial skills for future life. The course will also cover how an economy works and keep track of how the Australian economy reacts to world events, as the boom-and-bust cycle or supply chain issues can have a significant impact on both the cost of living and investment decisions or outcomes. Students will also engage in debates around economic and investment issues, such as the conflict between choosing options for profit or the environment.
This subject also includes participation in the ASX Sharemarket Game for Schools. This program is run by the Australian Stock Exchange to help secondary students gain practical skills in building a share portfolio. In the game, students are provided with a hypothetical $50,000 to invest in Australian companies, whose values rise and fall in response to current economic conditions.