Somerville Secondary College offers a diverse curriculum across all year levels. The junior years expose students to a broad and comprehensive curriculum. The middle years of schooling enable students to build on prior learning in core subjects whilst allowing them to pursue their interests through an elective based program that prepares them for their senior years. The senior years’ curriculum is designed as a Pathways Program which provides students with a comprehensive range of subjects allowing them to specialise and follow their interests. Students can select a Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocational Education and Training (VET) or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) pathway.
All students access a wide range of subjects in structured and sequential programs that enhance and extend their capabilities. The student assessment and feedback process are provided online for parents and students to access. All polices on student work submissions and work quality are actively implemented. Whole-of-school dedicated literacy and numeracy programs are delivering excellent improvements and growth, especially between Years 7 and 9.
We also offer additional support to high ability students across the curriculum as part of our Enrichment Programs at Years 7 to 9. We strive to gain a deep understanding of the learning needs of our students to inspire confident and collaborative learners.