Somerville Secondary College

Welcome to our future Families

Thank you for your interest in Somerville Secondary College. We welcome all enquiries.

YEAR 7 2025 ENROLMENTS – enrolments into Year 7, 2025 are completed through your child’s primary school. Please contact your child’s primary school with any queries about the transition process to Year 7.

Our school zone

General information – designated neighbourhood schools and school zones for all year levels.

 Children of compulsory school age are guaranteed the right to enrol at their designated neighbourhood school.

·        Designated neighbourhood schools can be identified online at Find My School website.

·        Somerville Secondary College assesses student eligibility for enrolment based on our designated school zone and the Department of Education’s Placement Policy.

·        Students who live within our designated neighbourhood zone are guaranteed enrolment at our college, based on their permanent residential address, and we are required to ask for evidence of your child’s address. (100-point-address-checklist.pdf).

  • Depending on year level capacity, we may be able to consider an “out-of-zone” enrolment. Please contact the office to discuss.

The Department provides guidance through the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose other schools, subject to facility limitations. 

To enquire about enrolling your child into Somerville Secondary College.


·         Please telephone the office on 5973 1000.

·         Once we have verified your child’s residence within our neighbourhood school zone, you will be invited to complete a school tour, which are held Wednesdays fortnightly at 4.00 pm.

·         Following your tour, an enrolment interview will be arranged, and an enrolment package will be provided to you.

·         Documentation required for enrolment includes:

§  Enrolment form

§  Identity documents (such as birth certificate or passport)

§  School reports

§  You may be asked to provide additional information, such as:

§  Health Information/Medical Plans for your child (for any allergies or illness that need to be managed)

§  Any legal orders (if applicable).

You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under Enrolment Resources