Somerville Secondary College

Current Affairs

Featured Learning AreaHumanities
Additional Learning AreasCivics, Citizenship, Politics
Learning Capabilities DevelopedCritical/Creative Thinking


Every year, there are events which change the world but do not make it into the curriculum. In 2022 already, Russia has invaded Ukraine, the price of petrol has doubled, food shortages and the cost of living are becoming problems, floods devastated NSW/QLD, and there are federal and state elections!

2023 is also likely to be eventful, and when important things happen, you will learn about and discuss them in the classroom. The content for each week will respond to recent events from the media, to help students understand more about the world around them.

The curriculum will therefore be flexible, and students will help to decide what topics to focus on in their classes. However, the focus will primarily be on issues and events that will play an important role in rewriting history at the global, national, or local level. It is expected that this will cover a range of geo-political and social issues for all the Humanities strands – History, Civics and Citizenship, Geography, and Economics.