Somerville Secondary College

World War I History

Featured Learning AreaHumanities – History
Additional Learning AreasHumanities – Geography, Civics
Learning Capabilities DevelopedCritical/Creative Thinking


This subject is advised to be completed prior to World War II, or an understanding there is a requirement for pre-reading.

In this elective students will look at the first major conflict involving Australia and the world in the 20th Century. Students will look at the events, ideologies and people that impacted on society as a result of the ‘war to end all wars’: World War I. Students will study the ANZACS and their legends, as well as research how the use of new weaponry and trench warfare changed the way in which battles were fought. Students will also look at the ways in which this conflict impacted on the lives of people living during that time and the continuing impact of this conflict on the modern world over the following century, including its influence on our own lives.

This unit includes an excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance.*